

十大外围app的社区愿意与你分享他们在鲍德温的经历. We invite you to listen to our student presentations below and read our parent testimonials.



  • 克劳迪娅·巴尔达萨诺(第18页,第23页)

    "There is no place like 鲍德温 - I cannot imagine you can find better and more committed faculty than 鲍德温 teachers."

    最初, I chose 鲍德温 for my two daughters based on its reputation for academic 卓越, 鲍德温远远超出了十大外围app所有人的期望. 然而,除此之外,鲍德温给了我的女儿们更多. 它使他们成为学习者而不是记忆者, 思考者代替机器人, 对自己的世界充满好奇,不要自我设限. 鲍德温 has made them ask why and how… and it has done all this in the most welcoming and warm environment.
  • 帕特·韦泽(P '24, '22)

    “你的女儿长大后会变得自信, 有发言权, 知道自己是谁,准备好走向世界,让世界变得更美好.”
    我在连接两个记忆或两个时刻. 十大外围app的大女儿四岁时,一个孩子来到了鲍德温. 我丈夫和我在一个“灯光者”的带领下参观了一下. 她是鲍德温高中的学生,她的自信给十大外围app留下了深刻的印象, how she carried herself and 交互ed with others that we hoped that someday our daughters could be like that.
  • Tom Bachrach(第29、31页)

    “对我来说,最重要的是全女生的一面. 我觉得这里有一种崇尚女生的文化, 还有他们在鲍德温学院的具体做法.”
    最初 we looked at a lot of schools for our two daughters and this felt like home for them. 这只是一种本能的反应,我想让我的女儿们待在这里. 事实证明,我没有上过女子学校,但我妻子上过. 她从一所女子学校开始, 她的前半生都是在那种环境中度过的, 然后她去了男女合校. 她是那里唯一一个学AP物理的女生. She felt that she could have taken all the other girls from her all-girls experience and dropped them in there and the class would have been 50/50.
  • Martha Ortiz (P '16)


    鲍德温代表了我成长过程中希望拥有的学校环境. 我是在一个中庸的学校系统中接受教育的,我很早就知道这一点. 我花了好几年才赶上我的大学同龄人. 而不是, 我想让我的女儿因为正确的理由受到挑战, 不是因为缺乏良好的小学或高中教育.
  • 霍华德·菲利普斯(P '17)

    “我想不出还有什么比这更好的办法来为女儿们在鲍德温去世后的生活做准备了. 真的,一个独特而美妙的地方."

    我女儿凯蒂从1年级到7年级上的是公立学校. 当她上完中学后, 很明显,她根本没有受到工作的挑战. We determined midway through 7th grade that we would find an appropriate school that suited her. 十大外围app做了一些调查,很快就知道鲍德温会是合适的地方.
  • 凯文·斯蒂尔(P '22)

    “……这是对教员的致敬, 行政部门, that they are doing such a great job with welcoming people here and having kids that are doing extraordinary things.”
    One of the things that has struck me consistently in comparison with other schools is that I've seen a lot of forced diversity elsewhere, 但这里似乎有很多不同的自然多样性. 我认为这是对全体教员的致敬, 行政部门, that they're doing such a great job with welcoming people here and having kids that are doing extraordinary things.